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Study Abroad in Latin America

Study abroad in Latin America and experience Ecuador to the fullest! Kaya’s program combines a semester of study at the Universidad de Cuenca with an immersive internship rooted in local community engagement, a homestay, and a Spanish language course! This is the perfect opportunity for...

Study and Service: Improve your GPA and make an impact

Kaya Study and Service projects give you the perfect balance of in-class and hands-on learning. While studying you can choose a volunteer or internship project to complement your learning. This will allow you to truly immerse yourself in the local culture and make an impact in the communities and...

Ready? Set, Go! And Survive your Study Abroad!

Imagine this. You’re traveling to the tropics of Central America for a wonderful, full-immersion study abroad experience, equipped with a homestay and courses taught at the local university (but definitely not in English). You are familiar with the language and have taken numerous courses and...

Why Study Abroad with Kaya!

Studying Abroad is much more than just a year or a semester away. It’s a fantastic way to gain credits towards your course, expand your knowledge about the world surrounding you, and gain the skills and international experience that many prospective employers are searching for. Why Study Abroad...

Funding Your Study Abroad

Studying abroad sounds appealing but many students won’t follow through with it because they think it is cost-prohibitive. The reality is that, with some planning, there are a study abroad opportunity for everyone out there! Indeed, there are many resources that are worth checking before throwing...

How can you learn a language quickly?

Have you ever wanted to learn a language? Or are you learning one and struggling to advance? In this TED talk, Chris Lonsdale claims that anyone can learn a language in 6 months in this video. Volunteering allows you to be amongst communities, learning from children and adults and being immersed in the language. If […]