Course Option: Social Art Culture - Study Abroad in Peru
You have a variety of courses you can choose from during your Summer Study and Service in PeruCourses Description
Below are your courses options for the “Social, Art and Culture” Track:
Art and Design in Cusco
Area of study: Art, Art History, Latin American Studies, Peruvian Studies
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English
This course o ers students a unique opportunity to experience cultural immersion and develop their personal artistic creativity. Along with lectures on the art history of Cusco and a range of contemporary art forms, they will be invited to participate in a number of field trips to museums, churches, art studios, cultural institutions, galleries, and fairs. By the end of the course, students will have completed their own individual or group art projects, based on their experiences in Cusco.
Photography in Cusco
Area of study: Art, Photography, Latin American Studies, Peruvian Studies
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English
In this theoretical and practical course students will learn about key elements in the process of photographic production, starting with basic technical aspects of the use of a digital camera and moving on to the subtle aesthetic effects of light, color, contrast, and focus. They will have the opportunity to practice their newly acquired skills in a range of natural and urban settings, as well as in a professional studio and during their travels throughout other parts of Peru. The course also covers the essential facts concerning the history of photography, including the history of photography in Peru.
Inca Architecture
Area of study: Architecture, Archaeology, Heritage Conservation, Latin American Studies, Peruvian Studies
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English
In this course, students will learn about the evolution of architecture and urban planning among the Incas and other ancient Andean cultures. The course also addresses Andean geography and environment, and how this natural setting influenced Inca architecture. Students will visit archaeological monuments and historical sites undergoing restoration work, and to analyze Peruvian and global regulations governing the conservation of cultural heritage. The classroom for this course is the city of Cusco itself.
Cultural Heritage Conservation
Area of study: Architecture, Archaeology, Cultural Heritage Conservation, Latin American Studies, Peruvian Studies
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English or Spanish
This course demonstrates to students the importance of cultural heritage in our contemporary world. They will study procedures and policies designed to conserve culturally significant buildings and landscapes. Topics addressed by the course include heritage site registration and cataloguing, UNESCO Heritage Conservation Charters, and principal restoration and conservation techniques. In Cusco, once the capital of the Inca Empire, a number of conservation projects remain ongoing. Students will visit archaeological and historical sites, in order to see for themselves how such theoretical knowledge is applied in practice.
Contemporary Society and Culture of Peru
Area of study: History, Sociology, Latin American Studies, Peruvian Studies
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English
This course allows students to explore and understand Peruvian society today as the result of a series of historical, anthropological and sociological processes and transformations. This exciting journey through Peru’s past and present begins with the historical background (pre-Inca and Inca cultures, European colonization and independence), providing a pathway to a better understanding of current Peruvian politics and the nation’s economy, spirituality, social conflicts and environmental challenges. A wide range of eld trips, ranging from government institutions to informal markets, will introduce participants to different aspects of daily life in Cusco.
History and Culture of the Incas
Area of study: History, Latin American Studies, Peruvian Studies, Andean Studies
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English
This course introduces students to the most renowned of all pre-colonial South American societies, enabling them to explore its history in the heartland of the Inca state: the ancient capital city of Cusco. The course covers key aspects of the social structure, political development, economy, technology, religion and spirituality of the Incas.
The central aim of the course is to guide students towards a deeper understanding of this extraordinary non-Western culture and its role in world history. Visits to archaeological sites and museums are included.
Literatura Latinoamericana (Latin American Literature)
Area of study: Literature, Latin American Studies
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: Spanish
This course offers a journey through Latin American literature, from the earliest works of the pre-Columbian age to our own time. It invites students to delve into the magic of Latin American culture and traditions through their reading and critical analysis of some of the continent’s most representative examples of poetry and prose. Students attend literature related events and experience direct contact with the local literary scene.
Introduction to Volunteering, Service Learning and Social Responsibility in Cusco
Area of study: Sociology, Latin American Studies, Peruvian Studies, Volunteering and Service Learning
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English
In essence, this course is intended to serve as an introduction for those students who come to Cusco for a volunteering or service learning experience. Its content addresses the legal framework for volunteering and service learning in Peru; vulnerable local populations and their needs; best practices for volunteering; governmental, non-governmental and private organizations and their social responsibility initiatives. Students will be able to apply the lessons learned in class to their practical volunteering and service learning projects.
Política Internacional Latinoamericana (Latin America’s International Policy)
Area of study: Sociology, Latin American Studies, Peruvian Studies
4 credits / 62 contact hours
Taught in: Spanish
The course is of theoretical analytical nature, and its purpose is to identify the stages through which the Latin American politics and international relations has passed from the end of the nineteenth century to the present.
Lenguaje y Sociedad (Society and Language)
Area of study: Sociology, Latin American Studies, Peruvian Studies
4 credits / 64 contact hours
Taught in: Spanish
The Language and Society course corresponds to the area of professional specialization, it is of practical theoretical nature proposes to develop, a comprehensive vision of the relationship between language, culture and society.