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LGBTQ+ Travel Resources

Being safe and comfortable when going abroad is so important. At Kaya, we want to make sure that we address issues that concern all of our participants. Attitudes, customs, and laws towards members of the LGBTQ+ community are different around the world. Legislation and acceptance or discrimination are likely to differ from your home country. But you’re unlikely to have any problems on your travels if you research and prepare before you go.

Things to Consider Surrounding LGBTQ+ Travel

  • What are the social attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community in my destination country?
  • Are there laws relating to same-sex relations, ‘public decency’ or public displays of affection in my host country?
  • Have same-sex relationships been legalized, or accepted in my host country?
  • What LGBTQ+ groups or establishments exist where I’ll be traveling?
  • Will my sexual orientation be acceptable to my host family or roommates if I choose to come out?
  • Are there safety and legal issues for LGBTQ+ individuals in this area?


Useful Resources Surrounding LGBTQ+ Travel:

We encourage you to do plenty of research surrounding LGTBTQ+ travel – especially regarding local attitudes, and knowing your rights!

You can speak to our placement advisors surrounding any concerns you may have. We have knowledge and experience of the countries and the projects which we support. We can help to answer your questions, and prepare you for your travels.

Make sure to read our Kaya Tip 9 on Considerations for LGBTQ+ Travelers for additional information.