Types of International Studies, Politics & Justice Internships
As a social justice intern, there are countless opportunities to work within organizations carrying out research, advocacy and policy activities looking to improve existing systems and norms. Alternatively, you can join our programs working directly with marginalized groups and individuals within communities, providing support, mentoring, skills and opportunity development and other initiatives tackling the causes of inequality at a grassroots level.
The scope of inequality in unfortunately wide. You may choose to focus on issues of gender, LGBTQ+ rights, migration, climate justice, sustainable living, animal rights, child protection, domestic violence, poverty reduction, political representation, access to education and healthcare and more.
Working in NGOs, Charities, Development Programs, Advocacy Groups and Government Initiatives, you can gain valuable experience in all aspects of establishing, maintaining, and managing operations within a development organization.
Working with issues relating to human rights, gender empowerment, poverty reduction, healthcare access, education, sustainable environments, and more, you can learn about the realities of development while advancing the goals of your organization.
Our International Studies, Politics & Justice Internships

Gain some research experience in Political Studies abroad!
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Join a 2-week group micro-internship that combines lectures, interactive discussions on sustainability models, learn about the challenges and successes of these in Costa Rica and finish off the program with practical fieldwork.
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Take part in a Social Justice Internship in Ecuador and help combat causes you care about
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Participate in a human rights internship and contribute to the access to disability-friendly sexual and reproductive health services for those with disabilities
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Participate in a Youth Empowerment Internship in Uganda and contribute to the lack of youth-friendly health care services that is evident in Uganda.
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Participate in a women empowerment internship and learn about sustainable development model to empower local vulnerable women and help them make a living.
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Join our human rights internship in South Africa and get involved with a local community on a worthy cause.
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Intern on a political science internship in Belize and gain experience in politics with the aim of running a campaign while living in San Ignacio.
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Learn about the impacts of Human Rights, Social Justice & NGO Management abroad
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Human rights and girls’ empowerment volunteering in Quito
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Get involved with women's empowerment projects in Morocco and help local women build their future!
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Join this NGO Business Internship in Vietnam and develop your business knowledge by working with local community projects.
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Join our LGBTQ NGO Development Internship in Thailand and develop your understanding of this community and provide hands on support
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Easy 4-step application process
Fill out this form to apply online and pay your application fee to apply for your space on your chosen project. Our advisors will then contact you to guide you through the next steps.
Once we’ve received your application, we’ll review your details and be in touch to arrange your informal telephone interview with your Kaya Placement Advisor.
Following your interview, we will provide you a placement offer. Once you are ready to confirm your placement and dates, you can pay your confirmation fee to book and secure your space.
When you have confirmed your project dates we’ll send you your Welcome Pack and lots of other helpful information to assist you with preparing for your placement.