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Course Option: Business Communication Tourism - Study Abroad in Peru

You have a variety of courses you can choose from during your Summer Study and Service in Peru

Courses Description

Below are your courses options for the Business, and Communication Track:

Business in Peru and Latin America
Area of study: Business, Latin American Studies, Peruvian Studies
4 credits / 64 contact hours
Taught in: English
This course gives students a better understanding of the economic environment for investment, trade and importing in Peru and Latin America. It provides a basic understanding of regional economics, marketing, trade opportunities and free trade agreements, in the context of doing business in Latin America.

Communication Psychology
Area of study: Business, Latin American Studies, Peruvian Studies
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English
This course seeks to help students comprehend our social environment through a psychological interpretation of different forms of communication. The course explores the role of language as the main tool in the communication process.

Comunicación Intercultural (Intercultural Communication)
Area of study: 
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: Spanish
This course guides students through the analysis of the role of communication in our modern human society, characterized as it is by the enormous cultural diversity, through illustrative examples from the Peruvian context.

Gestión de la Cooperación Internacional (International Cooperation Management)
Area of study: business, international business, international development
4 credits / 64 contact hours
Taught in: Spanish
The course seeks to teach the student how International Development Cooperation is managed under global parameters focused on the current situation and the trends in cooperation in Peru.

Business in Peru and Latin America
Area of study: business, international business, international development
4 credits / 64 contact hours
Taught in: English
This course gives students a better understanding of the economic environment for investment, trade and importing in Peru and Latin America.

Area of study: business, entrepreneurship
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English
This course provides the students with the understanding of entrepreneurship and the role it plays in the economic order.

Project Management
Area of study: business, entrepreneurship, international business, international development
4 credits / 64 contact hours
Taught in: English
This course follows both a conceptual and practical approach and is based on the principles of project management, best practices and teaches the student how to identify project stages, and specific aspects such a content areas.

Leadership and Communication
Area of study: business, entrepreneurship, communication
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English
The purpose of this course is to provide the students with the tools that will help them develop the communication skills needed to be successful leaders.

Liderazgo organizacional (Organizational Leadership)
Area of study: business, entrepreneurship
4 credits / 64 contact hours
Taught in: Spanish
Aims to understand the importance of continuously exercising leadership, in order to motivate employees correctly, according to the needs of the company.

Espíritu Emprendedor (Entrepreneurial Spirit)
Area of study: business, entrepreneurship
4 credits / 64 contact hours
Taught in: Spanish
The course has a theoretical and experiential nature and its purpose is to teach the elements of the general theory of entrepreneurship from the model developed by USIL, emphasizing the first stage called Entrepreneurial Spirit.

Negocios Internacionales (International Business)
Area of study: business, international business, international development
4 credits / 64 contact hours
Taught in: Spanish
This theoretical course has as its objective to teach that international business does not only refer to imports and exports but also includes how the activities of the different areas of a local operation organization work in the globalized market.

Investigación de Mercados Internacional (International Markets Research)
Area of study: business, international business, international development
4 credits / 64 contact hours
Taught in: Spanish
This course is theoretical and practical, its purpose is that the student learns to identify and recognize the concepts, strategies and tools that allow him to investigate and analyze the international target markets.

Global Business Strategy
Area of study: business, international business, international development
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English
This course teaches the most strategic variables that affect companies in a global environment. Students will learn to use techniques that will help them understand this environment, as well as participate in a global world.

International Marketing
Area of study: business, international business, international development, marketing
3 credits / 48 contact hours
Taught in: English
This course will provide an overview of the unique aspects of marketing in the international business environment and provide the structure upon which multinational marketing management can build.