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Demystifying the myths of doing a gap year

On May 25th, students from across the country will take over social media to announce their gap year plans. The goal of the campaign is to create a cohesive group of students that are making the deliberate choice to take a gap year, and learn more about themselves, as well as their academic, career and personal interests.

On this occasion, and to celebrate the first annual Gap Year Decision Day, Kaya has decided to take on the demystifying myths of doing a gap year!

Myth #1 – “A gap year lasts one year”
A Gap Year only refers to taking time off from your regular activities, but it can last 3 months to 12 months. Some may choose to do a Gap Semester, or Gap Trimester, or a Gap Year.

Myth #2 – “A Gap Year is only for students”
Students are a growing participants in taking time out. They tend to defer going to college because they are not ready for the pressure of choosing a career yet, or they do a gap year or semester while studying to widen their experiential learning. However, many professionals in between careers or jobs also do time off to travel the world and experience cultures.

Myth #3 – “Gap Year students that goes before college never end up going back to college”
Actually, this is quite the opposite. Many statistics show that students come back more goal-oriented and committed to their studies. They have also acquired the independent skills needed to succeed to pursue their studies.

Myth #4 – “Gap Year is just an excuse to delay responsibilities”
Again, statistics shows that people that have taken time off are going for many reasons, including the education and learning that comes with cultural immersion. 

Myth #5 – “A Gap Year is expensive and only for the wealthiest”
That’s where your creative thinking comes in! There are plenty of innovative ways to fundraise to pay for your experiential learning. Some schools and programs offer financial aid or fellowship. So make sure you have explored all of your funding options before dismissing it completely.

Interested in pursuing a Gap Year? Kaya can help! Contact one of our placement advisor and visit our website.

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